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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Heat Training System

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Has anyone tried the Hockey Heat training board/system? Is it worth it? Did you get the part where you slide along with it? If so, how wide did you have the bumpers set to & how tall are you?


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And.. if anyone has ever used this:

Ice Mat

Seems cheaper than:

Hockey Heat Pro

From what I can tell, the HHP gives you a bumper, a piece of rubber tubing for resistance training, and a DVD to give you stick handling drills....

I was thinking something along the lines of just using the ice mat and a slider board...

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I use the old advertising boards from my ice rink there pretty good! you can cut them up and get about 3 decent size boards! one from the left, one from the right and one in the middle! Measure the distance from the goal to the face off dots and mark them on the board then if you get the puck around that area (the slot) you will be familiar ripping them in the right place!

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I use a slide board and the work very well and its a hrad cardo workout. They really work your knee bends and groin.


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