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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Difference between holders

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The holder is the same. The first version of LS had ridges on the holder by the steel...but it was a pain for sharpeners to hone the skate. Steve Latin of the Penguins sliced his hand real nasty on it.

They changed it and made it flush.

The differences are the steel quality and the screw. The LS2 bolt is basically a regular Tuuk bolt on steroids. Much easier to deal with.

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Does it have the plastic indents above the blade or without...If without your fine.

They both look the same just differnt names

I was told that the holder with the indents was junk??LS1?? And that the Ls2 holder was stronger.

Also I had 1 pair of 8090 with Ls2 holders and steel that said Ls2 on the holders and steel and another pair that said Ls2 on the steel and not on the holder. Just Lightspeed in gray.

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