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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM V 60 Blade Pattern #5

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I picked up a new CCM V 60 replacement blade today. The patterns here in Sweden are numbers instead of player names. The curves are named - #5, #10, #11 and so on.

The blade pattern i went for is called #5, and is a long quite open mid heel curve with a square toe. Anybody knows what curve that might be? :blink:

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I think Lecavalier. I love this curve.

Yes i was thinking the same thing but was wondering if anybody knew for sure. :)

Also it's rather flat at the bottom. Not much of a rocker, which i like.

Anybody who knows for sure what player curve #5 pattern is?

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I'm pretty sure it's a Lecavalier. I play with one, and from what you've described, it seems to be the same thing.

The again, if it's not a Lecavalier, it could a Stuart (but this one is not very open) or a Doan(which has a round toe).

So I'm pretty sure it's Lecavaler

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