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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Advice and Question: Wide feet - CCM for sure?

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My brother, like me, has wide feet. He has normal arches. He's now looking for inline skates for the first time and I suggested that CCM is the only way to go because, from my experience, the only ice skates I've (and he's) ever been able to wear are the Tacks.

I searched on several websites for CCM inline skates and was shocked to find that nearly all of them did not even have an option for choosing a width. Am I to assume that CCM does not make inline skates of varying widths, as they do for skates? He wears a 9.5E CCM 692 Tacks.

Do you all have any insight, recommendations. etc for me with respect to CCM? Are there other brands he should investigate? It would be very much appreciated.

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I have a size 10E (guy who measured stated is was D and a half width, lol) so I can slightly relate. I personally have found CCM and Tour to be the best stock for wider feet, although my understanding is the RBK line runs a bit wider than CCM. Many of these skates can be baked however, so getting an E width Mission and baking to fit would probably work just fine as well.

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I'm truly worried about suggetions for him since the reality is that there are no pro shops round that carry a wide enough selection of the various brands to be able to provide a good fitting experience.

Ideally, it would be nice to try a CCM boot E and then a Mission EE boot to see which would be better, and I think it boils down to these two.

If there are any places in NJ or NY that would be able to provide the experience, then I'd be all ears.

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I have pf8s in size 6E so I'm sure that CCM does make them in various sizes. It seems to me that some of the online retailers don't have thier information right and don't give you an option for it.

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