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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Chatter

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I don't know if this is the right forum to ask this in, but anyway, when I do tight turns and turn on my heels, when I'm turning to the right and my inside leg turns and digs in, everything is fine. When I turn to my left and my left leg (inside) turns, I get serious chatter. Especially when I really dig my skate into the ice. Sometimes when I stop, I'll get chatter with the same skate (left).

I just recently had them sharpened and they seem to be fine otherwise.

Any suggestions?

The skate marks left on the ice look kind of like this:

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I just had them re-sharpened to 1/2" (they were 3/8") and still chatters... sharpening looks good.

Could it be the radius?

very possible the edges arent smooth and when there not smooth it can chatter that or the edges could still be off

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I don't think it is either. I had him regrind the edge completely off and start from a flat base. He knows what he's doing and is very meticulous. It is a completely smooth sharpening. Perfectly level, I can't tell you, but it must be very close as I can't tell the difference when using a magnet on them. I think it must be either my skating or the radius. Examing the radius vs my right skate though, I don't see much difference, so I wonder if it is my skating instead.

Maybe I'm turning too soon on the heel, or not leaning enough on the skate?

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I'm no expert, but if it's good turning one way and not the other, I'd look to technique instead of technology.

Assuming they are level. If the edges aren't level, this would be one of the problems.

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Has it always been this way or just with these skates?

I know that I turn right much better than I turn left, it's just my natural instincts, so maybe you're just not as adept at turning right as you are at left?

I agree with the previous poster that it's likely the technique.

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I'm no expert, but if it's good turning one way and not the other, I'd look to technique instead of technology.

Ya had the same problem when i first started skating -- i think its technique and shifting your weight--balance. I think your relying to much on your right skate when you go into the left turn-- try it slowly going into the right turn and then the left turn youl probably notice the distribution of weight on each leg differs on the left turn and right turn.


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I will try that. Right now I weigh 180. I never really tried turning on my heels after 8 years of playing (believe it or not).. I think it must be my technique as well.

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