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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Punching out near the heel lock?

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Hey guys, I searched 11+ pages and couldn't find an answer to this question, so hopefully you guys can help.

I recently purchased a pair of CCM 952 tacks, and in the store I really loved the fit in the heel, as every other pair I tried my right heel lifted out of the boot.

Trouble is, now that I've been skating in them I've found that I get terrible pain on the outside of my right foot, right where the white plastic heel lock wraps around the foot. My question is, can that area of the skate be punched out, and do you think that will solve my problem? Thanks for the time guys.


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Have you tried to loosen the laces around the heel wedge eyelets?

i don't want to do that, because my heel locks in so nicely. I love the fact the tacks hold my heel down, I just don't like the pain on the side of my foot. And the pain isn't in my heel, its on the side of my foot, so I think the heel lock is fine, I just need them a bit wider.

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