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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Here's how Grafs fit me... are they right for me?

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I know I know... it comes down to how you foot fits in the boot. But none of my local shops carry Grafs that fit me (shops that I know of anyways).

I tried on the G3 today and tried a 7.5R. The length was perfect. My Toes feathered the front of the skate. Taking out the sole and standing on it my toes reached the front of the skate. So length wise they're perfect.

The problem lies in the width and/or depth. The outside of my foot by the balls of my feet were a little tight in these skates. It was right where the boot meets the toe cap on the outside of my foot. Nothing too bad... but I'd have to get that punched out. The only thing is, the boot was "wraping" around the top part of my foot too much (I must have shallow feet).

The guy helping me out told me getting the G3's in a narrow width would fix that problem. He said a 7.5 Narrow width would be a "performance fit" where my foot would be snug but I could get away with a 8 narrow if I wanted to.

Unfortunately... he didn't have a narrow width in 7.5. He's going to call Graph tomorrow and see about ordering a pair.

Knowing all of this... does it sound like a narrow 7.5 would fit my type of foot? Would a different boot be better? Maybe a G35 in regular or narrow? I can see how getting it narrower will help solve the problem of the boot wrapping over the top of my foot... but maybe that will put too much pressure on the outside of the balls of my feet where it's already tight?

I know it's personaly preferrence with all this stuff and how the skate feels... but I'm really just looking for opinions on what I should do. Maybe if this isn't the skate (It feels VERY nice), I can get another skate I should look at. With all the widths and models Graf has it's a little confusing.

G3 sounds like a good fit with maybe the narrow size. Although the G35 sounds like it may be a better choice. The G3 is medium depth and regular width while the G35 is moderate depth (better for me) and a narrower width. So maybe my perfect skate is a G35 in regular width?

What do you guys think?

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Nevermind... maybe the G35's are a bad choice. I was thinking they would have less depth but it seems people on hear compare them to the 8090's.

So would a G3 7.5 Narrow be a good choice for me? Maybe punch out the toe box a little if it's too tight?

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If it's already tight on the outside of your foot, getting a narrow model will make it even worse.

The width is actually nice on the skates... it's only near the toe box. Just that plastic toe cap that put a little pressure on the side of my foot. But I can punch that out right?

If this isn't a good fit... what's some good options for my foot type. Narrow heal, wide in the toes, moderate arch, and shallow in depth? :)

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i find that a narrow in the G series is close to a regular in a 700 series. If you found your heel wasnt securely fitted in the back then you may want the narrow width because grafs and the fittin of a skates focus should be on the heel since thats the most important part of the skate.

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i find that a narrow in the G series is close to a regular in a 700 series. If you found your heel wasnt securely fitted in the back then you may want the narrow width because grafs and the fittin of a skates focus should be on the heel since thats the most important part of the skate.

My heal was secure in the skates... they really felt comfy except for the toe box.

Is the toe box even smaller on the narrow boot?

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