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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Euro Socks

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Does anybody know where I can purchase Euro Socks? I am looking for either custom or stock socks. I am looking for the printed socks that are used in most of the european leauges. I am in the USA. Any help would be great.

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the last ones I got were surplus from the Spengler Cup. if you want your own custom design and will order enough pairs in bulk, try PrimaTex in Finland. www.primatex.fi If I remember right, the person who sold to me in the past was Jari Forsman. very expensive though, especially because of the set-up costs for custom design. think maybe 30 USD per pair starting out, and also could get nailed for up to 50% customs coming into the US, plus shipping. this is direct from manufacturer though. for retail, maybe someone like Ochsner in Switzerland could have them? they've made Spengler Cup uniforms in the past and might have an inventory of standard designs. pretty much all of the sublimated socks I have are like cycling jerseys in material and tend to wear out at the knees quickly, so unless they need a specific pattern or sponsors imprinted, most places just go with knit in stock

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try here. www.rhinosports.co.uk. Its wear a lot of UK teams get there kit from and they do fully customised socks made from like the jersey material. my ex team got some sweet socks from there and durability even for roller is pretty decent.

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