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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bruised Tailbone

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The padding shifted around in my pant last night, and was trying to get it wedged back but had to get back onto the ice, and my luck, I got my butt handed to be and landed where my padding was screwy still so my tailbone, butt hurts. Have you guys done anything special/temporary to help with this? Did you find any extra foam or something to tape on your pants or something? Trying to get something figured out before tomorrow just in case I take a tumble again.

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I padded my tackla 9000. I took HD foam (1/4") from my old jofa shoulder pads, cut out a piece same length as my tailbone pad and the width that was wider in some places for better coverage. I poked 2 holes an inch from the top edge in it, and then tied a piece of old lace through the holes and all the way around the tailbone pad. So the foam is now hanging between the tailbone pad and pant shell. I don't feel it skating at all and if gives my old ass just enough extra padding not to hurt.

Or you can just buy Easton Synergy pants. Bulletproof, but somewhat more restrictive.

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Was thinking I need new pants maybe...but I think my pair can last me at least a couple more sessions of hockey. League I play in isn't like really serious, so I think improvising will help.

I had a brainwave. Best thing to use is old mouse pads now that we don't need them since we got optical mouses :D

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