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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'd love to see that available with a roller hockey puck. I know Z-ball (or whatever the company name is) makes a similar product, but with Orange balls.

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I'd love to see that available with a roller hockey puck. I know Z-ball (or whatever the company name is) makes a similar product, but with Orange balls.

they made them a long time ago for roller pucks, i have about 4 in my backyard...

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That puck looks like the martians on mars dropped it down from outer space. I do remember seeing a glow-in-the-dark street hockey puck and ball for that matter, but I have never seen that version for ice hockey.

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I have the glow in the dark z-ball but I'd need something for outdoor shinny. This'd be great cause usually we hop the fence in winter and play shinny and drink until the lights go out and then some of us just stick around and shoot by moonlight but you can't really have a game. This'd be perfect.

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Knew someone who purchased a box load of these glow in the dark roller hockey pucks (identical concept). Was a trip shooting these pucks at the rink and remember when one of the pucks got cracked which led to a nice trail of glowing liquid on the rink.. ah the memories.. :lol:


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