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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate sharpener brands..

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I am making a list of known skate sharpener machines and their prices (for the low end models), as I am in the market to buy one. If you can help out, please do so:

Wissota - Wissota 911 - $750

EZ-Sharp - Lightweight Series $1,100

Blademaster - Portable SPB-850 $1,200

BlackStone - Portable $2,000

ProSharp - SkatePal $2,450

IceSkateology - $2,700

Cagone - $6,495

Dupliskate - Non-portable $10,000

Fleming Gray - FG-2 $3,200

Tudor Corporation Ltd., (403) 250-7225 Makers of coin-op sharpening machine. Recent company news suggests they are selling this part of their business.

Tilly Industries - May manufacture components of skate sharpening machines

Edgecare is out of business. Eurovac doesn't make them anymore but still has dressing diamonds for them.

Do you guys thinks there's a chance to get a sharpener cheaper through a (major) gear retailer vs. manufacturer.

Any recommendations on skate baking ovens brand/quality/feature wise? Thanks

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