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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf 707

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I have a pair of Graf 707s that I bought about two years ago. For some reason my toe knuckles keep rubbing against the toe cap. The skate fits me will otherwise, but on my left foot the toe cap causes a lot of problems. I have two broken toes on that foot and they are curled somewhat and it creates problems when they rub and press against the toe cap. Is there any way I can have a larger toe cap put in the skate? Im in Minneapolis by the way, but can a pro shop remove the toe cap or punch it upwards? I was at Mike Ramsey's Gold Medal sports down the road awhile back and they sell game worn MN Wild skates. I couldnt believe how roomy the toe caps were on these skates. Lubomir Sakuras sp?? Seems to wear the same identical size and fit that I do. His skate fit me like a glove, but I wasnt about to buy someone else's skate.

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There's nothign you can really do short of special ordering the skates next time you buy with a larger cap... I feel your pain though.. My missions are ripping one of my right toes up. Mission really needs a new toecap.

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Well that sucks. Too bad they couldnt punch the toe cap upwards or something along those lines. The skates are in pristine condition. I might just trade them in and get a different skate. I play drop in/rat hockey these days anyways and I dont need a top of the line skate such as a Graf, but something I can just wear for a couple hours without a problem. The new NikeBauer Supreme 30s seem to be a cheaper, yet comfortable looking skate for the $$$. I dont really want to wear CCMs because I dont like how they fit around my ankles. So basically I can just order a larger toe cap if I get a custom skate? Or will a wider skate allow my toes to expand more outwards and not bunch upwards?

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