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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting more out of my stick

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I don't seem to get the flex out of my sticks (85 flex) that others on the ice seem to get. I've only been playing about a year and am wondering if there is something that I am missing with regard to technique?

I don't think flex is an issue since Im near 6'0 ft and 220 lbs and use a 85 flex. Is there a trick in getting my weight more into the stick? Any suggestions?

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make sure the stick comes up to your nose when ur standing in shoes. in skates it should be at ur chin. this too hapened to me, and the solution is most likley to cut it down a little

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Check to see where your bottom hand is when you shoot. A lot of people starting off have their bottom hand too high. Lowering it brings your weight down and creates more power, therefore more flex. Try it out and you'll see.

Good luck.

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Check to see where your bottom hand is when you shoot. A lot of people starting off have their bottom hand too high. Lowering it brings your weight down and creates more power, therefore more flex. Try it out and you'll see.

Good luck.

Thanks for the advice. Got some ice time today and payed attention to my hand placement and noticed quite a bit of difference.

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I find people don't grip with their bottom hand enough. Also, the more torque you generate with your upper body, the more weight you put behind the puck. Don't just use your arms, utilitze your upper body mass, shoulders and everything. Also, weight transfer from back leg to front is also key.

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I find people don't grip with their bottom hand enough.

This is why i use a grip stick, i feel my grip on a normal stick is not good enough and you can feel it especially when you slapshot, it will move around in your lower hand. So the blade is not in the right position you lose alot of power and the shot will suck

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