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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Friction Tape

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Does anyone use friction tape to strip tape their blade of inline hockey.

I like the strip taping method for inline, but just don't like how you loose the ridges, and therefore the spin on the puck when strip taping with usual cloth tape.

Any thoughts or anyone tried it ... sorry I know this is the ice section

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I find it's too heavy and thick for normal use, and the friction does seem to grab the puck too much. I've settled on Andover black cloth as it seems to have a lot more of a sandy texture than Renfrew without being heavy or sticky.

I did like friction tape for building up a knob though, and sometimes I'll put s strip on the bottom of the blade for shooting at the range as the plastic/pavement tears through tape easily.

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