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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Determine skate width

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I'm currently skating around on CCM Externo 18's, and I always had the idea I probably bought them to big.. My feet always hurt like hell when I stand on my skates for 2 minutes, let alone play a game.

Since our local hockey shop is about 15 square feet with 3 different skates to choose from, of which probably only 1 is in my size, I'm browsing on the internet for some new skates.

On HockeyMonkey there are some nice looking skates, the CCM Vector 120ZG's. Not too expensive and they look nice with the t-blades and all.

But now on to why I'm posting this thread. I'm walking around on Nike kicks size 13. They walk comfortable and if I put my toes to the nose I can still put a finger behind my ankle.

If I believe HockeyMonkey's sizing chart I should pick size 11,5 for my skates. Would be perfect since that's the biggest size the 120ZG's come in.

But there's a problem, I have flat foot. So they are not only very big but also very width. The CCM's come in D and E width.

I never watched width or anything with my previous skates, I didn't even know there where different width's.

Now my question is, I obviously should pick E, but would I skate comfortable in them? Or should I go for an EE skate.

And if there are any other skates you would recommend around US$200 it's welcome :)

Very long text for one small question :huh: :lol:

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For what its worth. I wear size 13 Nike wides also, and I currently have a pair of CCM 852s, in the 11.5 E.

I love them. They are not near high end, but they are the type you can bake. I tried them on and didn't need to bake them, so haven't. I just got them sharpened and away.

Not sure how the other CCMs or any other brand fits (I had ccm 252s before these) but the 852 Tacks 11.5 E are perfect for me

Hope that helps

EDIT: I also have pretty flat feet. Don't use arches or anything in these either, although I am toying with the idea of getting the shock doctor insoles soon

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Thx for your replay. I just hope they fit if I buy 'em, since most of the shops have a 30day return policy. I live all the way in The Netherlands, it can take a couple of weeks before I even receive it and have it returned :P But I guess I have to take the chance.

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