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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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just got a bow flex

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ok I just got a bowflex elite plus from costco and there are a ton of exercises and i was wondering what exercises would be most effective. I want to work deltoids, trapizus, biceps, triceps, abdominals, forearms, wrists, and all of my legs muscles. There are so many excercises i dont wanna waste my time doing exercises that only help a tiny bit. I dont really wanna do squatting or cleans or anything like that because my doctor said it could stunt my growth.

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Squats or cleans could stunt your growth? You may want to get a second opinion on that. After all, does that mean doing bicep curls will make your arms shorter? I'm no doctor (but sometimes I play one on the internet) but I think if you have a 1/2 decent stretching routine that you do a few times a week you'll be fine.

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Well than I will keep doing squats lol. When my doctor asked about my weight lifting routine and I said I did squats he just told me I shouldnt do them till im done growing but my moms doctor said that they were fine for me to do and I didnt wanna risk stunting my growth considering im only 5 7 and i would rather keep growing lol. One thing about squatting. What is too much weight? im 5 7 and 170 pounds and I squat 260 pounds for 12 reps and I do 2 sets should I be doing less weight?

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No, less is for toning muscles, more is for building them.

When I seriously lift, I put as much weight on as I can stand, do as many reps as I can. Take 10lbs off, do the same... Keep working down until either all the weight is off or your arms are total jello.

I think I've lifted 5 times (total) and I've gained a good bit of bi-cept and calf muscles.

Oh, and I have the $2k Bowflex Ultimate do-dad with up to 400lbs of resistence.

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One thing about squatting. What is too much weight? im 5 7 and 170 pounds and I squat 260 pounds for 12 reps and I do 2 sets should I be doing less weight?

It depends on the quality of your exercise. Slower, controlled movement will produce better results, but will require you to use less weight. If you're able to life 12 reps of 260 pounds in a controlled fashion then, no, you're not lifting too much weight. If you're jerking the movements to lift the weight, you'll get better results and lessen your chance of injury by lowering the weight and concentrating on form.

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