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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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intermediate flexes

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i am 5'7 and weight 150lbs... I used to use a senior stick typhoon with Easton flex of 80 and I am used to a shorter stick, so I cut it and it feels okay! My girl friend 5'4, 110 pounds and she try using a Easton intermediate stick flex 75, by the time she cut it, it's stiffer then my 80 flex typhoon!

I have talked to quite a few people and they are about your height, weight more, but still uses a junior stick, so I went to Canada and bought a few of the not so expensive (CAD $50 & $65) OPS junior sticks, it's fantastic, now I can really use the flex of the stick & my shorts are harder then before!!

I don't mind using a junior stick, I don't need to cut it now.. it's comes with a flex to 50 and I like it very much!!

Maybe you can try some of your friend's sticks before thinking about purchasing a stick!

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yea i think most people on my team use junior. my team is mostly shorter/about my height/slightly above my height. i know theres at least 7 people on my team with juniors...ill try one out a little bit. if i decide to get an intermediate tps, it may be a few inches too long, but i wont care. how high do the junior sticks from canada go up on you anyway? i know you dont mind a short stick. i just dont want too short of a stick.

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it seems fine, it seems to be 57" too, but its junior flex. im guessing i should go to LHS and get a feel to see what all brands intermediate flexes are like.

Just don't flex the sticks there! :o

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I've been using a CCM 120C intermediate which has a mid (35) flex. I found this to be better that the senior shaft with a regular (40) flex and the length of the intermediate was perfect for me. It was also cheaper than the senior for basically the same product.

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I've been using a CCM 120C intermediate which has a mid (35) flex. I found this to be better that the senior shaft with a regular (40) flex and the length of the intermediate was perfect for me. It was also cheaper than the senior for basically the same product.

first off: what does the 35 and 40 mean

second: whats your weight/height?(need to see where your coming from to get more perspective)

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It has to do with the metric system and one of their weights that is measured (I'm sure someone who's more familiar can answer that). However, I've read that if you take 2.2 times the number, it's very close to the pounds per square inch scale that Easton uses. For example 2.2 x 35 equals 77, so the 35 is close to a 75 or 80 in the Easton scale and the 40 equals 88 and (so, supposedly it's comparable to a 90). If someone knows if I'm mistaken, please correct.

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I'm not exactly certain but I'm pretty sure it's 30. I've got a Vector 110 mid (the 35) intermediate and the light intermediate is a 30.

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according to that, its somewhere around 60~65. inlinewarehouse has ccm v130 one piece listed as mid(80) and light(65) so i guess that makes sense.

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