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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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PIHA player dies

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Riley Siver

For those of you who have played NARCH, especially in the Rocky Mountain area, you might recognize Riley from the Tour Stallions Juniors teams from the last couple of years. He had been selected for the PIHA Thunder team here, but had not played yet due to a shoulder surgery 2 months ago. He was found dead in his bedroom this last Saturday morning by his father. If you ever had the chance to meet him, he was a great kid. If you never had the chance, then I'm sorry you never had the opportunity. It saddens me to know that the hockey community doesn't usually know when stuff like this happens, but we can hear all about people who may have never truly touched our lives (ie: celebrities) when they leave this world.

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He was found dead in his bedroom. He had shoulder surgery two months ago, and when The coroner ran a toxicology test he found two different pain-killers and a muscle relaxer in his system. The combination of all three is what killed him, as no one of them in excess would've done it. He had a good funeral today though, lots of the best hockey people in our region including CJ Yoder and Brian Yingling.

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