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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Itech HC100

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Is there a color chart out there for these helmets? Saw the discountinued ones on hockeygiant, just couldn't figure out what colors they exactly are.

And is hockeygiant usually ok to work with in terms of service, nvr dealt with them before...though the shipping seems to be kinda pricey.

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I was actaully lookin' for yellow. I saw a chart somewhere a second ago, but it said gold...idk if that's the same. Assuming it is...?

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check out www.myspace.com/gengler38 i have pics on that page of me skating with gold helmet. It's definitely yellow, ugliest bucket i've ever had, i would love to change to a different color, helmet is great though.

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Yap it's yellow, and as Teamriot38 says it's also a pretty ugly one...

You cant also paint it because it's polypropilene (hope spelling it's right) a very grease plastic, as most helmet, so paint will go away very quickly...

Nice helmet anyway...

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when it said gold, i thought it would be gold like the pics posted previously or even a dark "notre dame"gold, this is yellow so they should just call it "yellow". I get sh*t for it every game, people offering to paint it for me or telling me how f**king ugly it is. If anyone wants to trade HC100's (if it matches your team colors) PM me. **sits and holds breath cuz people are dying to get this helmet**

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Hmmm..ain't too bad. I think that eggplant would be nastiest. Team is currently wearing yellow and black jerseys so I think the yellow would be ok. I could splurge and paid double so I can get black or white, but don't think I'm going to.

Thanks for the replies

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I agree Teamriot's yellow (gold) helmet is extremely ugly. I have an eggplant HC100 if someone wants to trade me for it.

The eggplant's really not that bad, but is not even close to team colors.

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eggplant doesn't look bad, it's anaheim colors so i's decent, you're not a f**king becon on the ice like my gold one makes me. Rustybender, tell the people how ugly this thing is.

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