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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One Arm Hockey Player

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There is a kid at my school with at arm just like that and he is a wide receiver on our football team actually a good one too he can catch real well.

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I played with a guy like that at pickup for the last 3 or 4 years at my University. He is an amazing player, probably Junior B or C level easily.

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I just played in a tourney with a deaf and mute goalie. Like most disabled athletes he didn't want any special treatment, the only thing we had to do was let the refs know he couldn't hear the whistles. Great guy, worked hard. I would play on the same team with him in a minute. People like that are great influences, they don't stop living because they got a raw deal. How many people do you see that use thier disabilities as any excuse.

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i cant imagine gripping a hockey stick between my arms and being able to handle a puck, let alone shoot...that must have taken loads of practice and determination. wow

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We could learn a lot about life, determination, and the will to suceed from this kid. He's more of a role model and inspiration than most professional athletes I have seen.

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Not that unusual to happen. It is to be so good tho.

There was a kid a couple of years ago with one hand in New Brunswick playing midget. Didn't do nearly as well as it was a later in life accident and was tough to adjust.

I played against a kid around 1975 from Tantalon Nova Scotia with one hand. He was pretty good too. He had a cup nailed or screwed into the end of his stick for his stump.

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