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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm vector 130

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what is this stick like im looking to buy one next month coming off a modano which of the following should i go with the thorton recchi or lecavaleir input is good thanx again

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its not in the review section and none of those curves are really close to the modano i was just wondeing whic hone would be easiest to adjust to

and i was also wondering if i should go eith this stick the vapor XX or the true 1-piece

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blade cracked quick on the true1 for me. can't comment on the v130, but the lecalvalier is like a lidstrom,nothing like modano

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alrite sounds good think i might go with the true one, there only 150 on hockeyoutlet and it comes in 340 flex so im probably gonna buy that

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In my opinion the v130 is a much better stick. I had 3 true one's none lasted me more than two weeks. I have used a v130 and not only was the performance better it held up better to.

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Vector made in Finland = :)

Vector made in Canada = :(

I said that earlier, but the blades on the finnish versions is alot thinner (more like a stealth´s blade) that´s the main reason I loved the Vector so far.

Edit: To add to that....the one my mate brought back from Pittsburgh is a lot heavier (blade heavy obviously) than the one I had plus his blade started splitting at the toe area rather quickly because somehow the foam or (epoxy?) started to crack whereas mine took a lot of abuse only restulting in little ditches or cuts but no splitting or cracking at all.

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how do you know if its made in canada or finland? i have a v110 thats been going fine (i dont play super aggressive+kinda small with limited slapshots).

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