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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle X46 gloves

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How do they compare to X70's? What are the major differences? Are the X46's worth getting or should I just save my money for something else?

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We had some that we couldn't give away. I'd pass on them unless you can get them dirt cheap.

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the index finger feels short compared to the other fingers, the gloves feel stiff and they hurt my knuckles. THats just my experience from trying it on in the shop though. I would say pass and save up for better gloves

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How do they compare to X70's? What are the major differences? Are the X46's worth getting or should I just save my money for something else?

Were not made by, but for Eagle back in '01/'02. Based on the X50 patterns, it really didn't sell well.

I guess it would all depend on how much you are paying for them.

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$70 Canadian ($80 with tax) a good price to pay or no? I can't seem to find any decent gloves under $100 in my area.

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Nobody wanted to pay $50 US around here. Try them on and if you like them, get them. It's only important that you like your gear.

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Thanks for the quick replies everyone. If you were to choose between the Eagle X46's and a pair of Mission HE750's, which would you pick and why? I'm interested in those two at the moment.

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Thanks for the quick replies everyone. If you were to choose between the Eagle X46's and a pair of Mission HE750's, which would you pick and why? I'm interested in those two at the moment.

750 hands down. I liked my black and white ones and they held up for a year or so of pretty heavy use.

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I'm still looking around for gloves and I realized the only place I can get the 750's for cheaper is on eBay... I'm looking more towards purchasing from a local shop rather than online. Anyone have experiences or comments with the following? Mission HE550 vs Easton Synergy 500 vs Bauer Vapor X vs Eagle X50 vs Eagle X46. I'll definately go try all of them on before I actually make the purchase but I'm a real fan of thin palms. I had a pair of Tacks 452 with Clarino palms and I just loved them. Does anybody have any glove suggestions that are around the same price range and calibre? I might go hunting at a used sporting goods store also.

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why don't you pick up a pair of vapor velocitys then? they're X's with dri-fit for the same price as X's

I'll definately give them a shot. Any BC members know how to get to the Hockey Shop by Skytrain? I'd drive to Surrey but I'd rather save the gas as it takes around the same time to drive there and to take transit. I hear The Hockey Shop is within walking distance to the skytrain? Any directions? Thanks.

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Sure. Just go to surrey central station and walk down (towards the brick) underneath the tracks...it's literally 30 seconds away.

As for the X46's i got them there and I think they're alright for the price. Compared to my old Bauer 8000s they're a heck of a lot softer. And once they get baked they should be fine.

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