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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Quick Skate Question

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I have had the Bauer Vapor 10 skates for about 5 years. I bought them when they first came out and they were top of the line. They lasted me a while and I thought they were worth the money.

I have the Vapor 10's in a size 9 1/2 EE.

I had my last growth spurt and it seems that the 9 1/2 size is still good but the EE in the narrow cut Vapor 10 skate is a little too narrow for me now.

I am looking at the Supreme 8090 skates but was only able to try on a 10 EE at the pro shop here.

My question is (I assume the 9 1/2 is good enough in length still going from the Vapor 10 to the 8090's, please correct me if thats wrong) but the 10 EE was a little too long but definlty too wide for me. How much of a difference can I see from the 9 1/2 EE with and the 10 EE with in the 8090's?

I am worried that the 9 1/2 EE in the 8090's will be too wide because of the wide cut of the 8090's.

-My feet are 11 inches long and 4 1/16 inches wide. Because of the big cut on the 8090's, would the 9 1/2 D with in the 8090's be slightly wider than the EE with of the Vapor 10's that I have now?

-I have narrow to regular ankles. The vapor 10's fit my heel and length great but I also have very square shaped toes; is there a difference in the toe cap shape going to the EE with?

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Would the bauer 8090's or the Nike flexlite 12's in a size D with be a little wider than a bauer vapor 10 EE with?

Also, as far as length in the skates, I was told by the pro shop here that Bauer and Nike skates run different. For example that if I were a 9 1/2 in Bauer then I would be a 10 1/2 in a Nike skate. Is this true?

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I am looking to order skates in the next week. Are the Nike skate sizes the same as Bauer in length?

And how wide do the flexlite 12 skates run; is a size D with in them a little more than a size EE with in the old Vapor 10's?

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I am looking to order skates in the next week. Are the Nike skate sizes the same as Bauer in length?

And how wide do the flexlite 12 skates run; is a size D with in them a little more than a size EE with in the old Vapor 10's?

I'm not sure about the length of the sizes, but I do know about the width. The Flexlites are much wider in the toe box than Vapors. I'd say the toe box on a D Flexlite is at least as wide as an EE Vapor. Your best bet is to try the skates on. Both the 8090s and the Flexlites are going to fit differently than your old skates.

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