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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Biron's Goal Stick

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I was Watchin The Sabers game ( they were playin my flyers) and biron went in and played the 3rd period. the stick he used looked like a composite warrior goalie stick. i did not get a goood look at it.but it looked like it

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That was the most impressive composite goalie stick at the show, in my opinion. It is also more expensive than the others.

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Thats impressive. What is in that stick that makes it more expensive than the rest. The Bauer XXX composite stick has a bunch of interesting features that helps control the puck. That Montreal looks comparable to any other composite goalie stick (TPS and CCM).

Still doesnt mean a composite goalie stick is smart, unless theyve done something like stuck a silicone core through it to deaden the impact of the shots to make it feel more like a wood stick. I dont think it would be worth it either way. Thats my personal preferance though.

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Thats impressive. What is in that stick that makes it more expensive than the rest. The Bauer XXX composite stick has a bunch of interesting features that helps control the puck. That Montreal looks comparable to any other composite goalie stick (TPS and CCM).

Still doesnt mean a composite goalie stick is smart, unless theyve done something like stuck a silicone core through it to deaden the impact of the shots to make it feel more like a wood stick. I dont think it would be worth it either way. Thats my personal preferance though.

The material is more advanced than traditional composites. From what I understand, the carbon fiber and resin bond far better than in other methods. When you pick up the stick it feels different from the other brands in a way that I just can't describe.


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Too be quite honest with you guys, being a goalie, the only way you'd see me using a composite stick is if it was given to me by the company itself. For some reason i cant A) Justify spending $200 on a stick when i have to spend $1200 on a set of leg pads to start...and B) Use a stick that is not designed to take the direct impact of a shot. I understand the whole point of the sticks, finally goalies and fowards are somewhat equal in the type of equipment choices. But does not seem logical to me. But Hey, theyre making money off of it, so while the demand is in, theyre just gonna keep pumpin them out.

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