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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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cheap v. expensive gloves

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I haven't had to buy gloves in a long time. Can someone clue me in as to the differences in shell and palm material?

I used to think that leather was superior to nylon, but now I see some nylons that are more expensive than leathers (or is it synthetic leather?), like Vapor XXX vs. XX or the RBK 6K vs. 5K.

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Some people prefer different palms. e.g. nash palms, digital palms, and other things. each has its on feel/grip/durability. I'm not sure which has which though! :P

And the leather / nylon debate, neither is really superior to the other. nylon is used in lots of high end gloves because it is lighter, and possibly easier to break in. where leather is more durable but heavier. it depends what you want from you glove.

If you want high performance and light gloves, and dont mind buying new gloves more often, then the XXX would be good for example (nylon, thin palms). but if you want a glove to last longer, then the XX would be better (leather, different palm).

Not to say the XX wont perform well, because as we know they are awesome gloves.

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