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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Proxy Sites

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Seemy school has these laptops that they gove to us and they ry and block everything but some sites work and most dont but eventually some of the ones that worked are blocked so all we need is a good proxy. Anyone know of any unknown proxy sites?

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It's some chinese site. You don't have to know how to read it, just look near the top of the area you can type in the URL. Not ALL sites work. My friends could go to Poker websites at school but they we're successful with logging into their accounts.

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alrite so we know there are a few out there but the schools are locking down on them since we aer playin games and things....i know this site that has a lot of aproxy sites...they dont all work but they are dec.....the site is...www.hekmat.net/nofilter/ok.php.......hope it goes well for you

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i dont really need a proxly list of servers...ty for the offer though....im surprised all of them are blocked...did you click on the link or did you try to type them into your url...well idk

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