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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question regarding Bauer woodies

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Long-time reader, first time poster. Did a search but couldn't find any info on this subject.

A while back I bought a Bauer Fusion Elite from a LHS. They only had one, curve looked kinda cool so I bought it right away.

Well, I really like the curve on this stick and would love to find more. The shop I bought it from hasn't had any more since.. Guy that worked there really wasn't much help in tracking more down, either. And hockey shops in this area are pretty slim.

Here's my question: The pattern I got (a P71 "St. Louis" curve) doesn't really match up to that on the DB, at least not in my opinion. Says it's a 1/2 curve depth, mine looks deeper than that. And P71's that I look up on Ebay or other retailers say they're a Peca model rather than St. Louis. There's one on Ebay right now that appears to have a squarer toe than mine. Are they still one in the same? Or diid I get some sort of blem or since-discontinued model?

Not crazy about ordering sticks online (even a wood stick) but the lack of shops in my area don't leave me much of a choice.. I just want to make sure I get the same curve type if I end up getting a Bauer P71 from an online retailer.

Here's some pictures of the stick:




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P71 is P71 no matter what name they have with it. I think they used peca a little while back and now use st. louis. Bottom line, its the same curve. You have a wood stick, woodies curves arnt always the same as the next one, there not always able to make exact copies like a composite blade. So the ones on ebay or other places might be a little off from yours, but they'll still be pretty close. If you cant find one at a lhs, heres some trustworthy sites...



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i have used that exact stick the p71 used to be peca and now its the st.louis, the didnt alter the curve or anything

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