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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need Help on CCM/Bauer Sizing

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I have had the CCM 952 tacks since they came out a long time ago. They are beat up and soft beyond description.

I wear the 9.5 D with in the old CCM 952 takcs.

I measure a D with on the CCM measurement device in the proshop.

I tried on the new pro tacks but they don't feel the same-they seem to pinch me about 1/2 inch down from my toes. I tried on the Nike flexlite 12's in a D with and they were just too wide for me. I read so many good things here about the Bauer 8090's.

*What would the fit be from the pro tacks D with to the Bauer 8090 D with? Which will be more wide?

I try on skates and I haven't bought them in so long I'm not sure how tight they are supposed to fit before baking/break in- should they be as tight as possible without pinching? or is it ok to have some pinch? Please help with some advice on 1st time sizing in the with of skates. I need new ones asap.

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I'd start with a 10D in the 8090s as Bauers are usually about a half size up from CCMs. Then keep trying on skates until you find one that's too small and go back up a half a size. You also shouldn't limit your search to one type of skate - try on as many as you can see what fits your foot best. Basically you want them as tight as possible without them hurting your feet - there's sizing advice all over this site, but this is also a helpful article to read:Skate Buying Demystified

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I am wondering how the 8090's D with fits compared to the old ccm 952 tacks in a D with.

I want to try the 8090's but the proshop doesn't have them so I would order them to see how they fit and hopefully keep them. (the pro shops around here don't carry much of anything so I am at a real disadvantage)

How is the fit from the 952 tacks D to the 8090 D with:

Is the 8090 wider? I really like my ccm d with for the most part, ubt wider may be too wide.

Is the 8090 a deeper fit? Occasionally when i wear regular socks w/ my tacks the soul of my feet hurt. I don't know what that means and if that will be made better or worse in the 8090's?

Any feedback will help me a lot from the fit of these skates.

I tried on the nike and it felt like when i stood up and my foot was as streched as possible my foot touched the sides. (if that will help)

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The 8090 will fit players with moderately wide feet, above average insteps. The forefoot is similar to a CCM skate, fairly wide but not quite meant for duck feet. The heel is good and will accommodate average to semi-wide heels.

8090 Review

I've never tried on an 8090, but based on that review it seems the width would be similar to a traditional CCM skate and not as wide as a Nike skate. You can also try searching "8090" here.

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I tried searching and got some ideas but not really as specific about the with. Does anybody know the difference in with between the 8090 D with/ccm pre '02 D with/and current ccm D with.

It seems to me that the new ccm pro tacks in D with seem to pinch my forefoot a little. I'm not sure if this willl break in but I don't think so.

Also, does anybody know the fit in with and depth between the skates? That's what I am most worried about.

The ccm tacks E with fit my forefoot in a way that if i stretch my toes as much as possible(to widen my foot with as much as I can), then the sides of my foot brush the sides. Should my forefoot be able to try to push the sides out instead?

In the ccm pro tacks and the 8090's pre-break in, which way should my forefoot feel while trying them on?

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