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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok all of the lhs's around me were completly out of anything tapered in modano and lidstrom curves so i picked up a sakic because thats all they had and i just broke my vapor XXX overrun. I can shoot a ice puck fine with this curve but I cannot shoot a roller hockey puck with this stick at all what could I be doing wrong? I really dont want to sell the blade and buy a modano because I have the sickest toe drag with the sakic im not sure why but its amazing with that curve so i really wanna make it work.

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I have trouble with my wrister with a sakic also, i have to loose power to ensure i dont hit the ceiling. im sure its technique, so try different ways of doing it.

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what are you guys having problems with exactly with the Sakic? I find that on inline I have to release a wrist/snap a little earlier and closer to the body so it doesn't sky over the crossbar...and open it up less..the sort of stuff I have to do when using a Modo type clone

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