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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ebay password help

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Alright, for the last 6 months Ive been getting on ebay literally everyday.

I like to search for good deals, then sell for more.

Recently I have not been able to log on because my password is incorrect.

No I did not forget it and I did not change it. I have gone through the process of emails and getting info but ebay will give me my forgotten password, Ill type it in and its still incorrect.

I am 99% sure that nobody figured it out and changed it because its a very tough you could say password to break. Plus the odds of that are very slim.

I would just make a new account but I still need to pay for about 2 items on that name.

Any suggestions/Ideas?

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Sounds like the same thing that happened to me a few months ago. I used the "live help" or whatever they call it. They told me that they had to suspend my account "for my safety", but wouldn't tell me why. They ended up walking me through the process of getting a new password through a never-ending series of emails and "live help" chat.

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