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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector skates for outdoors

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The last pair of roller skates I bought were CCM 155 Tacks about 10-12 years ago, and I guess it's finally time to replace them :rolleyes: The problem is, I haven't really kept up w/ the roller technology over the years.

I have a pair of Vector 6.5's for ice that I'm very happy with, so I'd like to stick with that line. I'll be skating on asphalt, technically "recreational", but the skill level is actually quite high - it's a bunch of pretty good ice players that get together on the weekends.

I've searched through the site, and seen the discussions about just getting the cheapest pair of skates because they'll just get torn up anyways, and I see the logic in that. I'm not sure I want to go quite that route though, because I'd actually like to have some support and comfort in the boot. I understand the outdoor wheel issues, my main concerns are with the boots.

So, I guess my questions are:

Are the PF2's as cheap as they sound? Do they have any sort of support without the "exoskeleton" or whatever it's called? Will they fall apart too quickly?

Are the PF4's that much better? Sounds like the have more support and comfort, but is it enough? Will they fall apart too quickly?

Are the PF6's too much? It sounds like these would be closest to my ice boots (if not the PF8's). Will the fit be substantially better and supportive, especially with baking? Is the tongue that much better with the lace-bite guard? Would they be more or less durable than the others?

Keep in mind I'm a 185-pound 31-year-old, not 140-pound teenager without a job. If an extra $50 is going to get me a significantly better skate - and not be wasted - I'm all for it. At the same time, I'm not looking for super-duper bells and whistles top of the line :D

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The Vector PF2's aren't a bad skate. But they are entry level and you get what you pay for. I'm using them for outdoor now, and the wheels went to Hell real quick. I'm going to have to replace them before the season begins. I've had em since last summer.

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I had a set of PF4's for a bit to see if I liked the Vector line, and they are really solid for the price. Asphalt will eventually chew up any skate, but the PF4 should do fine for you, and it will be stiffer and more supportive than the PF2.

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I bought the PF2 this past summer, it's been a pretty good skate. I just completed my first season with 'em. Although I did have some really harsh lace bite the first time I skated in them, so maybe that tongue protector would be helpful. But other than that I have no complaints; they're holding up fine, etc.

At Dicks Sporting Goods (if you have any of those in your area), I recently saw the PF4 on sale for $70. I'd be all over that if you had the opportunity -- hell, new wheels typically cost $70+.

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