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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Yet another question about the XX stick

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On the underside of my Vapor XX it says "Made In Mexico." My teammate has a XX, but his says "Made In Canada." Is there any significant difference between the two? Is one better made than the other? I remember seeing something about this on CB awhile back, but I don't remember...

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Guest Datsyuk*13

Jw where did you get it from? Hope it wasnt mexico. Lol jj

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Easton and Innovative both have plants in Mexico.

I believe the blades are made in Mexico and the shafts in Canada. Then they are assembling them up in Canada, and since the majority of the stick is made there, hence "Made in Canada"

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There is one other difference. The one made in Mexico has a preference for tacos and the Canadian prefers Labatt's.

Hahaha...On a recent trip to the factory in Mexico, upon my return while crossing the border the guard asked my reason for visit....to which I replied, "plant visit". She kinda looked stunned and asked, "what kinda plant, marijuana?".

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