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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New itech dx100 visor

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evidently epuck and hockeygiant also have the visors as well. None of the shops I know got their orders yet.

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The only difference listed between the DX100 and the X100 on the Itech web site is that the DX100 has an anti-scratch coating on the shield.

Do they both use the same replacement shields (and are they anti-scratch coated or not)? Do they use the same replacment shields as the X50?

If the replacement shields have the anti-scratch why would I spend the extra $20 on a DX (unless I was a fan of chrome)?

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I was wondering the exact same thing? I can't imagine Itech is selling two different models of replacement shields for what is actually the same visor. I would assume they'll be selling the better visors as the replacements.

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