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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Outsole peeling off

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One of my team-mates and I have a similar problem (he has CCM Externo E-40s, and I have CCM Vector Pros, 2004 model).

Our outsoles detach. Mine are this Texalium composite weave material, and they are detaching in the mid-foot area (between the forefoot and heel blade holder attachments). I re-epoxied it last year, and now it's doing it again.

Note that both of us are hard on our skates. We have both loosened steel blade holder rivets in the forefoot area.

I was wondering if this is a common problem for all makes of skates with composite outsoles? It's not a big deal because it's an easy fix, but I was wondering if the stiffer outsole could be ripping off because it can't flex with the torque being applied to it.

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That generation of CCM skates had lots of issues with delaminating outsoles.

Partly because of the adhesives, and partly because of the composition of the outsole. The best comp. outsoles are probably the Mission Sensory II soles.

They are durable, and have a nice rubbery resin matrix to them.

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Logan, thanks for the info. I checked some other CCM skates on the team today, and a few are also delaminating, but not as much.

I'm trying a marine epoxy this time, so hopefully it lasts for a couple of years.

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