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Skinner Hockey DVD

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I was looking at the Skinner Hockey DVDs online, for his stickhandling videos, and I am wondering if anyone has any experience using them? Are they any good/worthwhile? They are $100, so I don't want to get them if it's worthless stuff, but I'd REALLY like to improve my stickhandling. Might go with the checking DVD later if I like the stickhandling one. Any comments?

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Yeah his stick abilities are great. but many times he has his head down and sometimes he does stuff you couldnt get away with in a game.

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I am no expert, but I think his videos/DVD's are great. He has one for roller hockey specifically, and then his series for ice. His ice series has use for roller hockey players as well. He does dry land training and on ice drills as well as just stick handling. The only other instructional I have expereince with is Laura Stamm's skating one.

Pete Dale recommended Sean skinner to me, so that is one reason I went with it in the first place. Pete also recommended Smart hockey. However the smarthockey is a Computer program thing on disk versus a TV useable DVD. That is why I did not go with the smarthockey. I am very happy with Sean Skinner.

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You can view them CHEAP at totalvid.com

$4 a video or you can pay $10/month for a unlimited membership and watch them all, then cancel after you've watched them all, including his checking for hockey series and his breakaways and penalty shots video. They also have Robbie Glantz' power skating stuff, plus a buttload of videos on other subjects. $10. That is a steal.

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Wait, can you download the videos from that site for $4? To save them onto your computer to watch multiple times? Or do you just get to view them once?

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From when you "rent" the video for $4, you have 7 days to download it and 30 days to start viewing it. Once you have started viewing it, you have 7 days where you can watch it as many times as you want.

Again, for $10/month, you can join their unlimited program. You can basically watch anything anytime on any computer with that program.

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From when you "rent" the video for $4, you have 7 days to download it and 30 days to start viewing it. Once you have started viewing it, you have 7 days where you can watch it as many times as you want.

Again, for $10/month, you can join their unlimited program. You can basically watch anything anytime on any computer with that program.

Screen capture it...if you know the tools and you can keep them forever.

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save the $100, go to golf discount and pick up a 3 pack of Pings and stickhandle in your living room...by watching those previews, you can do a lot of that stuff watching seinfeld.. :D

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Yes, after watching the videos I would say all you really need to do is just practice. I thought he had some good moves and it is probably worth watching for that, but if you just want to improve your stick handling, just practice practice practice.

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Yes, after watching the videos I would say all you really need to do is just practice. I thought he had some good moves and it is probably worth watching for that, but if you just want to improve your stick handling, just practice practice practice.

Thats it, Its all about practice,

and for the head down, it's because you can see he is not very familiar with some of the moves because if he was, he would have his heads up, but some of the move can't be done heads up. Look at Ovechkin when he pulls it between his legs, he definatly have his head down.

First, you start and down, and then when you get really really familiar with the move and you have a good feel, you just go with your feel heads up or with closed eye.

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Oh, I should probably mention, 95% of his stuff is just him demonstrating drills.

Just out of curiosity, what else would it be??? I am not intending to be a smart ass, I am just curious as to what else would help.

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I just don't know whether or not that would be useful for some. Usually he starts the video off with some theory and then he just demonstrates drills. It's fine, I was just saying what it was.

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So far I've watched two videos through that website above, and it seems like there is a ton of good information in there. Thanks for the link. Looking forward to downloading more videos... probably will just have to go buy the set off e-bay or something.

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