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punching out/stretching Vapor XX skates

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Need some help from the equipment gurus...

I've got a pair of Vapor XXs. I got them in the summer of last year. The have the LS holders, not the LS2 (2004s?) I purposely bought them a bit small, but I they pinch in a way I didn't expect.

The length is about right but my baby toe is crucnhed up on the side of the toe cap and it hurts like hell. I have to put my skates on a few times just to get it to fit right. When walking to the ice, it hurts like crazy, but when skating it isn't too bad.

I want to get them "worked on".

- Can they punch out the toe cap to "widen" it? Just where my baby toe is? Given that it is plastic, I assume no, but I thought I read somewhere that it was do-able on higher-end skates.

- if not, should I get them stretched out, to make them longer? (thereby pulling my foot back)

Thanks for your help

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Yes you can. Your LHS that has a boot press will be able to do it for you.

Try the skate on and mark the area with a pen or pencil

Heat up area

Put on boot press and press out area

The longer you leave it on the more permanent the press will stay

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I would just heat the specific area, with a heat gun. Keep it away from the boot 4-6 inches and don't keep the heat gun in one specific spot. Move it around a little bit. Then just press out that area with the boot press

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