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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Genesis

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I've had mine for the last few years, similar to an ultralite; it's a tank. The shaft is durable and keeps coming back for more; nevertheless, it's not the best performing shaft on the market.

Overall it's a good shaft, but if you want performance more the durability I wouldn't recommend it.

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what's wrong with the performance?

shots? stickhandeling? etc?

how does it compare to the ultralite?


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Nothing's wrong with the performance, but you don't get the quick release you get with a tapered shaft. My wrist shots suffered the most with this stick, similar to an ultalite.

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so your wrist shots were lacking with the ultralite as well?

how's the feel on it? does it really have a better feel like TPS says it does?


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Just picked one up today after breaking my cyclone. Intial impression: the shaft is not as concave as I would like it to be and I would probally deem it somewhat boxy. Its pretty well balanced for with a wood blade, havent taken any shots with it. Ill put a review up after it sees game time which is probally in a month or so.

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