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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Flyweight... again

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My last 10-7 flyweight is on it's last legs and I'm wondering if anyone has found a comparable shaft I should look at. I've got an L-2 shaft I've been using off and on but it just doesn't feel right at all.

Any suggestions?

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Yes, i've found another stick that for me perfoms as well as the flyweight, after try the rbk 6k, mission l-2, tps r2, i've found the shaft that works for me... well, isn't a shaft, this is an OPS, but i've buyed it a very low cost when the first owner brokes the blade of the stick, only have to cut, and put the tappered blade at the other end.

The stick is the TITAN 2020, is like rubber, it's grip, and i was looking for it at the net, i found it at hockeymonkey.


Is probably that this stick didn't works as well as the flyweight, but i'm very happy with that, i'm feeling weel with that one .

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