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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Equipment Proshop in Portland, OR?

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Anyone where is the best place to go buy equipment in the Portland, Oregon area??

How is the hockey scene in Portland anyway? I am from Oregon originally but never got into hockey until after I moved away. Just curious. Good luck in finding a good LHS!

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As previously stated... NW Skate Authority inside Sherwood Ice Arena is pretty good and is where I usually go. The only other skate shop with a good selection (that I know of) is TNG Sports inside of Mt. View Ice Arena in Vancouver... although I've heard that they don't have very reliable hours.

Indoor Goals in Beaverton has some stuff, but they're a roller hockey arena so you won't see a lot of ice specific stuff. Of course, then there's the usual smattering of Play It Agains scattered around the metro area.

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Yeah, I gotta agree Portland isnt really a hockey town. I mean we had an NHL exhibition game there and there were less than 9,000 people in an 18,000 arena....I guess I'm just still bitter about that. Anyway, I go to TNG when I'm home from school, and you're right, the chance of actaually cathing them open is amazing. I'm pretty sure its something like 15 mins a day!! There is a Play it Again sprots thats 1 exit south of the airport. They are the one of the only play it agains in the area with any hockey stuff (if not the only?), and its been so long, I dont remeber what they had, if its more ice or roller. The best store I went to was the Penality Box which was right by Mt. View Ice, but that didnt last too long. Hard to pay rent when people arent buying!! So yeah, give Play it again a call, and there is a small (mostly roller) store in the Indoor Goals in Beaverton, but to me it wasn't worth the drive from Vancouver.

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