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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer 6000 vs nike v 14?

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I need to buy one of these soon and was only able to try them on in a size too small for me.

Any suggestions on which will be more mobile? On which will be less bulky, etc?

And does anybody know the bulk/mobility difference between the bauer 3 piece 8000 and the nike v 14?

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V-14 are more $ but worth it. I've had a pair for over a year and am extremely satisfied. The pad stays in place, is very comfortable, and the protection is perfect. That being said the 6000 is also very comfortable at about a 1/3 less expensive. I have never used them but they sell very well also. They fit right to your elbow. I don't think you can go wrong with either model.

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