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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Please help with sizing shinguards

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I measured myself today for a 15" shinguard. However, I have heard that if you wear your guards inside the tongue of your skate, then you should wear 1 size smaller. I need to buy a set of shins, but I just want to get the right size to avoid a trip back to the store. So would you normally go with a size smaller in that case? Thanks. In case it matters, I've decided on Reebok 5K's.

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Try the shinguards on while wearing your skates. If they are to long, the skates will push them up and out of position.

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I agree, take a skate to the store and check it out just in case. I wear my shinguards inside the tounge as well but I dont lace up the top eyelet so it didnt make a difference for me.

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I don't know if this is personal preferance but I always make sure my shinguards cover the quad area right above the knee cap incase I have to lay down for a shot.

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