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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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repalming gloves

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I'm completely unfamiliar to glove repalming.

How does one repalm gloves?

Do you need to take gloves in to some sort of specialist or is this something that's supposed to be easy enough to do that someone can do it at home?

About how much does it cost?

And, I know it's due to personal preference, but in your opinion, how nice (or expensive) do your gloves have to be before you consider repalming them rather than simply replacing them?

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I'm completely unfamiliar to glove repalming.

How does one repalm gloves? 

Do you need to take gloves in to some sort of specialist or is this something that's supposed to be easy enough to do that someone can do it at home? 

About how much does it cost?

And, I know it's due to personal preference, but in your opinion, how nice (or expensive) do your gloves have to be before you consider repalming them rather than simply replacing them?



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well it costs 42 dollars so you have to think what they are worth to you. if you have high end gloves and new ones are 150, and repalming them would essentially put them to near new (no rips in actual glove etc) then repalming is obviously the better choice. I personally bought my gloves for 50 so it wouldn't be worth it, I'd just buy another pair. Remember you have to break in the gloves, etc.

Just my .02

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I have $45 gloves that I really like. I have a small tear in the palm so I'm just considering my options for down the road.

Do you know if it would be an unusual request to upgrade the inner lining/padding flap that cushions the back of the hand?

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