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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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'06 CCM gear

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i was looking around the internet at possibly getting some new elbow pads. came across epuck and what looks like new CCM vector elbow pads. they have this great writeup and everything. but when i went to CCM.com they weren't there. also, nobody else online has them. how can one etailer have a product that isnt even listed on the company's web site as well as any other store's catalog? pretty weird.

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Most likely epuck has them up even though they don't have stock. I think CCM is coming out with the vector 4, 6, 8, and 10 in elbow pads. Within the next few weeks more sites will have the new gear up.

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stick with jofa/rbk... when you need shinpads or elbow pads why mess with anything but the best. this is something you'll learn once you've wasted a ton of money and have a house full of useless gear you never use.

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I have a set of both Jofa and Easton for underneath. I use the Easton for pickup mostly and have found it pretty protective. The shins have a better fit than my Jofa shins and are less bulky. The shoulder pads are low profile and use a different principle for protection than my Jofa shoulder pads. The elbow pads are about the same. To date I've found the Easton stuff just as protective as my Jofa stuff. I use all Synergy 900 equipment top of the Easton line at the time I purchased it. Although I still use the Jofa equipment more often I've had no complaints about the Easton stuff, but I will update you later on how it holds up. I personally like Easton equipment because they are so innovative in their design and their experimentation of new protective materials. ;)

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