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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf question

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if you like the 502, you might like the 703 or G3

the closest would be 705 just for the fit because the 705 and 502 fit similar where the 502 and 703 dont fit the same way. but hard to say without seeing your foot in the boot

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Brian Leech wears 502's if they can withstand NHL use, although he has a buncha pairs, he skates harder than any of us. The 502 will hold up as well as any other grafs...I've had a pair of 502's and I now have 707's

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Anybody NHLer can wear any model of Grafs, it just depends on how stiff they want them. It's interestig, Graf will make many different stiffnesses; you can't just ask for "pro stiff" because that could mean numerous things. I haven't seen his 502's in a while, but from what I remember, they were gaudy with modifications.

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