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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weight of wood stick

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I only need to know for a paper on hockey technologies. Im trying to compare a woodie with a stealth, so i guess the heavier the better. I just don't have a clue as to how many grams a woodie weighs because everybody usually talks about OPS, so Im just wondering if anybody's ever heard a number. In fact, if you know how heavy old 80s or 90s or even 70s style skates were, I'd appreciate that as well. THanks again.

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I just weighed an old 5030 from 1988 (yes its true) on my digital scale.

I also weighed a current xn10, and a stealth and a sherwood SOP 9950 from an AHL room 2 years ago...plus some others I had upstairs

ALL sticks are senior, taped up (butt, and blade) composites have end plugs/

9950 is an extra long Pandolofo stick

1988 sher-wood 5030 740 g

SOP 9050 Pandolfo 765g

xn10 411g pro stock

stealth 436g retail

true one(no end plug)452 retail

1100 inno 472 retail

xxx 445 retail

trilage TZ4 497 pro stock

had fun I have various other woodys from the 80s i didnt drag out!!!..Northland, sher woods...etc

all are taped similiar... surely there may be a few gram error.. I weighed vertical and horzontal...and were within 1 gram each way...

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