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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I've been looking around and there really isn't a place with pictures and descriptions of how to cut OPS into a shaft and it seems the same questions always comes up. So I was thinking we should make a little database like the pattern database we have now with instructions on how to cut different types of OPS. That way everyone could have access to the ressource. Let me know what you think.

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I've been looking around and there really isn't a place with pictures and descriptions of how to cut OPS into a shaft and it seems the same questions always comes up. So I was thinking we should make a little database like the pattern database we have now with instructions on how to cut different types of OPS. That way everyone could have access to the ressource. Let me know what you think.

not a bad idea at all, have to talk to the mods, but they seem pretty busy

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Guest LEAFS12
QUOTE (denisca @ May 21 2004, 12:42 PM)

I've been looking around and there really isn't a place with pictures and descriptions of how to cut OPS into a shaft and it seems the same questions always comes up. So I was thinking we should make a little database like the pattern database we have now with instructions on how to cut different types of OPS. That way everyone could have access to the ressource. Let me know what you think. 

not a bad idea at all, have to talk to the mods, but they seem pretty busy

Ya thats a good idea. The mods are very busy. I made a review for the Z-carbon 3 days ago and they still havent checked it out yet.

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Well maybe if the Mods are too busy some of us should get together and make it ourselves and give it to them after. I'm sure some members have broken OPS and a digital camera.

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Guest LEAFS12

Can't help ya with the Broken OPS part but maybe something else.

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There was one on CB - if any of you guys want to go ahead and take step-by-step pictures and submit, just contact one of us and we'll put it up.

Leafs12 - your review is up.

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There was one on CB - if any of you guys want to go ahead and take step-by-step pictures and submit, just contact one of us and we'll put it up.

Leafs12 - your review is up.

couldn't we get the one that we had at cb or has it been deleted?

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