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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to recolor/stain yellow Tackla emblem?

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Does anyone know what the most effective/professional looking way to stain or color the emblem on Tackla pants? I got these, and they have yellow emblems, which is fine, but I guess I would prefer to black them out or turn the yellow into maroon or a dark red.


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i'm thinking buy a tackla shell, rip off the patches and sort of do-it-yourself then resew it back on. Other than that I can't think of another way unless someone else knows a really good way.

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I was actually thinking about the marker idea. Or, clipping the stitches that hold the symbols on, and just taking them off. What do you guys think?

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Mask off the patches with tape and paper to cover your pants. Then give them a blast of black spray paint.

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Definitaley do something because those are gross.

I don't think it's yellow from sweat and stuff, but made that way. Unless you meant gross as in, "dude those are sick!" then forget my comment. :P

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colour them, and if they don't look good, take it off

yep, and if you really want them, get them directly from tackla

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It's just colored yellow from the manufacturer. These are pro returns, probably from either Pittsburgh or Boston. I may just end up cutting the symbols off.

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I ve seen them on ebay, Boston pro returns I believe.

Nice buy. I have a similar pair from Nashville

did you receive them yet?

cause from the picture, it looks like the interior padding and the top part of the pants are missing :blink:

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Yeah, I got them yesterday, and yes, the upper padding is missing because I am wearing these over a girdle. These fit and look great over my girdle. I finally won't have to deal with my shell bunching up around my knees, making me look like a 10 year old with oversized equipment.

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Oh, and I agree that they are probably Boston returns, but there is no Bruins patch like on all the other Ebay Boston return pants, just an NHL patch.

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