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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rattling noise in my Bauer 8000 holder

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I was walking out of the dressing room the other day to the ice and every time I took a step with my right skate I heard a clicking noise. I shook my skate and could definitely hear something so I went back to the room and checked on my blade. When I tried to wiggle the blade with my hand it was fine - in nice and solid. I checked all the rivets on the bottom and the ones I can see are all fine too.

It sounds like something inside my holder is rattling around. Anyone have any ideas what it could be or if I need to worry about it? I've only used the skates less than 10 times I'd say.


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The hardware inside the skate could be coming loose. Pull out the footbeds and remove the white plastic caps and you'll see the hardware. Make sure that none of it is loose. If you have trouble you can always take the skates to your LHS.

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You're exactly right. Once i popped off that white cap I could see a bolt that was loose. My LSH said they could screw it in no problem today before my game.


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You're exactly right. Once i popped off that white cap I could see a bolt that was loose. My LSH said they could screw it in no problem today before my game.


i think your able to do it with the tuuk wrench that comes with the 8000s right? I just follow that little piece of paper that came with the skates and check to see if my hardware gets loose every month or not.

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You must have paid for the 'full' version of the skates - mine came with a box and a generic Bauer 'Thanks for purchasing you won't be sorry blah blah blah' tag - nothing else.

It took only a couple minutes for the guy to fix it though so that was cool. At first he said he thought it was stripped and now they have to charge $1.50 for those bolts (rivets are still free) but then he figured out it wasn't stripped. Woo hoo! Saved $1.50.

I felt so good I bought a Vapor XXX Lite since they FINALLY got them in at our LHS and they've been flying out the door. Such a sweeeeet stick.

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Ha ha, thanks. The kid that sold it to me was so excited he threw in my skate sharpening for free and was offering me free tape for the stick as well. From what I've read here previously the profit margin on those sticks ain't huge so I wonder if he's giving away the farm thinking they must make a bundle on those things.

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