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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I need help finding new skates. I can not go to my LHS because there is no LHS in Saudi. Currently I am in Nike Flexlite 10's. They fitted amazingly well when I first tried them on, but now they are starting to wear down. I need to start budgeting for hockey stuff so I figured I would start by asking for recomendations on skates.

The Flexlites now fit a little a loose in the heel but everything else is fine. They are 8.5 with regular width. My running shoe size is 10. What skates would you recomend?

Thanks for all your help,


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What? You play hockey in Saudi? Now I've heard everying. I don't even want to think about the ice fees.

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Yeah, i was thinking the same thing; hockey in Saudi Arabia thats awsome ;)

As for the skates, what about getting another set of the Flexlites 10 or 12? If you like the way they fit, and have a hard time finding skates to try on, that would be my advice.

The flexlites are very wide and deep fitting skates, so is the Bauer 8090:s although the to box isn't as huge. As for the heel width in comparition, i can't tell you. Anyone??

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Gavin, you would be suprised, I pay under a $100 US a year to play! The rink is owned by a notoriously rich family and it is part of a housing complex.

I wouldnt mind getting flexlite 10's again, there are just a few things I would like to change though. They have a little too much volume, the heel is to wide, and the arch is a tad shallow. For width comparison, the toe box has plenty of room.

Concerning the 8090's, do they have the same arch as the 6000's? I have tried the 6000's before and the arch was too high.

Thanks for the help

Edit- The price to play is unbeleivably cheap, and I can go almost anytime.

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