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Grinding the toe of my skates

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I bought a pair of Bauer Vapor XXX's recently. I tried them out and they were great but my small toe at end of my foot hurts when I skate in them. Should I grind my toe protector to make some extra space or does it ruin the duribility of the skate?

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that's a good question. mine do the same thing. Can you punch out part of the toe cap on the front of the skate without ruining the integrity of the cap? I have currently resorted to wearing these little rubber tubes on my little toe to provide extra padding and protection cause the little guy really hurts sometimes.

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Take them to your LHS where you bought the skates or to any other knowledgable store. Have the skate heated in the specific area where you have the rubbing and have the, put the skate on there boot press and press out that area.

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